Congratulations Nicole for receiving the Dean’s Graduate Student Research Grant for your research project “Using RNAseq to Map Gene Regulatory Domains”.
What’s New?
Dean’s Undergraduate Research Fund Grant
Congratulations to David, Daniel, and Kosha for winning the Dean’s Undergraduate Research Fund Award to study mechanisms of cold tolerance in Drosophila.
The Yakoby Lab was granted the NSF-CAREER Award to support research on the Dynamics and Diversity of Bone Morphogenetic Protein Signaling in Epithelial Cells
Best Poster Award at the at the ASBMB 2012
A poster presented by David Luor at the 2012 ASBMB Conference, San Diego CA, was garnered the Metabolism and Disease Best Thematic Poster Award. This award was sponsored by the Journal of Biological Chemistry.
Five-Horned Eggshell
Our “Five-Horned Eggshell” has been selected from among more than 250 images of past Princeton Art of Science exhibits for a “best-of” traveling show of 45 images that will open at Liberty Science Center in mid-September at Princeton University and then travel to other venues from there.
Graduation 2012
Congratulations to our new graduates: David Lemon (M.S.), Dhia Pangilinan (B.A.), and Robert Oswald (B.A.). Good luck in your future endeavors!