Our “Five-Horned Eggshell” has been selected from among more than 250 images of past Princeton Art of Science exhibits for a “best-of” traveling show of 45 images that will open at Liberty Science Center in mid-September at Princeton University and then travel to other venues from there.
What’s New?
Graduation 2012
Congratulations to our new graduates: David Lemon (M.S.), Dhia Pangilinan (B.A.), and Robert Oswald (B.A.). Good luck in your future endeavors!
Honors Convocation
Congratulations to Dhia, Kosha, and David for all their Honors and Awards received last night during the Honors Convocation Ceremony at RU-C.
Congratulations David Lemon
Congratulations David Lemon for passing the Thesis Defense Exam; a job well done!!
ASMBM Annual Meeting San Diego, CA
Congratulations to David Luor for his oral presentation at the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Annual Meeting at San Diego, CA. David delivered his presentation on “Using Drosophila as a model system to study cold tolerance”. This project is a collaborative project between the Yakoby and Shain Laboratories.
Margaret Marsh Undergraduate Research Awards
Congratulations to David Luor and Kosha Parikh for receiving the Margaret Marsh Undergraduate Research Award for their project “The Fruit Fly: A tractable System to Study Tolerance to Low Temperatures”