Congratulations, paper was accepted to Development. Great job!
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Welcome Nasira to the lab
Congratulations Chris, paper is accepted in G3!
C.J. Sottolano, N.T. Revaitis, A.J. Geneva, and N. Yakoby. Nebulous without white: annotated long-read genome assembly and CRISPR/Cas9 genome engineering in Drosophila nebulosa. G3 (Nebulous without white: annotated long-read genome assembly and CRISPR/Cas9 genome engineering in Drosophila nebulosa | G3 Genes|Genomes|Genetics | Oxford Academic ( accepted August 2, 2022).
Congratulations Dr. Stevens!!!
Congratulations Cody for successfully passing your Biology thesis defense. In addition, congratulations for passing with Distinction your PhD dissertation in Computational and Integrative Biology. Well done!!!