Coming up thesis defenses

Monday April 28th at 12 pm, Dan Ricketti. Tuesday April 29th at 2 pm, Steve Brownstein. Wednesday April 30th at 9:15 am, Matt Niepielko. All thesis defenses will be in the Waterfront Tech. Center, room 119.  

Congratulations Alessio

Congratulations Alessio for being selected to receive an Arts and Sciences Dean’s Undergraduate Research Fund Grant.

Congratulations Matt!

Congratulations Matt for receiving the Genetics Society of America 2014 DeLill Nasser Award.

New manuscript out of the Yakoby Lab

Congratulations to Matt and Rob on the acceptance of your manuscript to Molecular Biology and Evolution. WELL DONE!!! Matthew G. Niepielko1#, Robert A. Marmion1#, Kenneth Kim2, David Luor2, Chelsea Ray2, Nir Yakoby1,2*  Chorion Patterning: A window into gene regulation and Drosophila species-relatedness. Mol. Bio. & Evo. (Accepted). # Contributed equally.